Saturday, April 20, 2013

Bob Marley

So I had recently decided to try and do another portrait of Bob marley. You see, I did one back in October 2012 and when I look at it today, I'm not very pleased with it. 

So I decided to do a little twist on it and instead of just doing another pencil drawing I was going to put watercolor in it this time along with pencil. 

Step 1:
I started off by making a grid on both the reference picture and my paper. 
and it's much easier to get the face shape and proportions done right this way. 
Here is a very rough start to getting the outlines done. 

Step 2: 
Here you can see I'm putting in color to his face, filling in his eyes, and getting some shading down.

Step 3:
I suppose this isn't really a 'step' since it goes along with step 2. 
This is just more shading being done. 

Step 4:
I took a break from adding detail to his face here, and went ahead and put in the first layer to the background with watercolor, and roughly started on his hair. 

Step 5:
Showing the difference the watercolor makes on this. 
I worked on his eyes and hair real quick here.

Step 6:
More work on the hair here.

Step 7:
Put in the first layer of the rest of his hair here.

Step 8:
 Now you can really see the difference the watercolor is doing. 

Step 9:
Finishing up the hair and background. 

Step 10:
All finished and compared to the drawing I did in October last year. 

And the last step was to frame it! 

Thanks for staying around long enough to finish this long post.
 (That's if you DID stay. you might have just closed the page within the first 3 seconds) 

What was used in this:
Watercolor paper

Thanks again!


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